Every Body | Reclaiming Body Talk

BONUS - Follow up with Lucy Aphramor



This episode is a follow up to Episode 14 with Lucy Aphramor. I asked if you had questions for her and some wonderful questions were posted on Instagram. Here are some of the answers. Enjoy!   Questions answered in this Bonus episode:  jilllepire Is it ever okay to try to change your physical body while being body positive? If so, how does one do that without being sucked into diet mindset? wee_foodies I’d love to hear more from her around the evidence base on the biological impact of weight stigma and ways to challenge the “tackling obesity” conversation in public health. wanderingdjinn Does Lucy have a script for confronting one's parents about the damage they've done by commenting on one's weight and appearance almost daily, starting at a very young age? I've let go of a lot of my anger towards them and I'm in a better place, but I worry that they're continuing to make weight-related comments to my much younger cousins, and will start on my nieces in a couple of years, if they haven't already. I really fee