Free Teacher Pd

Episode 035: Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking with Problem-Based Learning (2)



Welcome to a new episode of Free Teacher PD:  Part 2 of Improve Creativity and Critical Thinking with Problem-Based Learning, with Melissa Edwards As a teacher, gifted education specialist, instructional technologist, blogger and learning facilitator, Melissa Edwards has seen ways in which creative thinking skills can make connections for learning. She believes there is creativity in each of us and we just need to figure out the best ways to let it out! Melissa also believes that for technology to be most effectively used in the classroom there has to be a curriculum reason to support it. Melissa likes to share things that appeal to a multitude of learning styles and which can be used to allow for differentiated instruction at all levels. She also enjoys reaching out and connecting with other educators through various blogs, including her own, "Figuring Out How the Pieces Fit."   Let’s get learning!