Your Creative Push

Fear Stretching (Best of YCP: Stephen)



Stephen is a singer/songwriter who has just released his first album, “Sincerely.”  In his own words: “My album is a story of triumph, of letting go of all the uncertainty in my head and learning to walk the path of my own heart. “Sincerely” is about realizing how much better this world would be if we all loved ourselves, if we weren’t afraid of being vulnerable and honest. It doesn’t matter who’s president or what technology we invent or what extremists we destroy, the only thing I know is this: There will never be peace if we do not all love ourselves.” Full shownotes: In this episode, Stephen discusses: -A bit about his background and how he came to find himself in Los Angeles. -How he was the first student of the music school at the University of Miami who also played a Division 1 sport. -The promise he made to himself at a young age that he would only pursue the things he was passionate about. -How it’s not like doing work, when you are spending time working on things