Conversations With Kate

[118] Reading Adventures - My conversation with Irina Skibenko



My guest is Irina Skibenko, a teacher and author from Ukraine who inspires preteens to read and discover the world. She is also the author of three adventure stories featuring Nina and her dog Eve. Preteens from around the world can join Irina’s online programs to discuss the places that Nina visits and improve their English by reading, listening, writing and speaking. To learn more about Irina and her work: Etsy shop - Instagram -  Landing page - To find links, transcript excerpts, and a list of vocabulary from this episode, please visit my website, and click Podcast on the menu bar. The name and logo for the podcast has changed. It will still be brought to you from Conversations with Kate. Enjoying the podcast? Please leave a review and share on social media. Directions on my website: