Listen Up Show - Mitchell Chadrow Talks With Startups, Entrepreneurs And Businesses

IP Marketplace Patentangels Pulseip Adoram Shemesh Show 066.mp3



IP Marketplace AngelPatents PulseIP Founder Adoram Shemesh. We talk to Adoram about: How he helps his clients. Buying, selling and leveraging patents. Adoram is a member of the Israeli Bar went to school in Israel (IDC Herzliya) and now lives in Columbus, Ohio with his wife and children. Adoram about the podcast show: “Great Podcast Mitchell Just Listened for the second time" PatentAngels: IP centric Investment platform Company mission: empower companies to leverage their IP assets and let investors invest in patent backed ventures which increase their chances of success. Crowdfunding patents: Patent Rights for clients IP Marketplace to leverage your patent Defending patents Monetize patents Working so closely with fortune 500 companies Buy-side of the business PulseIP - Patent Acquisition Consultants - Guiding people through the process. Defensive and offensive moves changing for startups, entrepreneurs and business owners to execute on their IP strategy. Working so closely with the largest US c