Knowledge For Men Archives

The Search for Manhood in a Changing World With Frank Miniter



Frank Miniter is an author and investigative journalist with a penchant for outdoor adventure. He has floated the Amazon, run with the bulls of Pamplona, hunted everything from bear in Russia to elk with the Apache to kudu in the Kalahari and has fly-fished everywhere from Alaska’s Kenai to Scotland’s River Spey to Japan’s freestone streams. Along the Along the way, he was taught to box by Floyd Patterson, spelunked into Pompey’s Cave, climbed the Gunks, and graduated from the oldest private military college (Norwich University) in the U.S. He was a Senior Editor at Outdoor Life magazine and was the Executive Editor of American Hunter magazine. He is also the author of This Will Make a Man of You and The Ultimate Man’s Survival Guide.  Favorite Success Quote “I like a man who grins when he fights” ~Winston Churchill Key Points 1. You Need to Stand Up for Yourself The evolution of society and rapid shift in perceived gender roles has created a world in which manliness and masculinity are concepts that are ambi