Crypto Talks

Brutal Truth About Audience Building



Today I want to talk to you about something that you may not like to hear. Many people prefer not to tell you this. Many people prefer to pretend this is not the case. But I need to tell you this anyway. So you are able to look at things realistically. So you avoid being disappointed because you had unrealistic expectations. Here is the truth   Building an engaged and loyal audience takes time and loads of content creation. Of course all those who advertise the attractive “have quick results” model pretend that it’s not the case. You get “write a book in a day”, create an online course in a week, grow your brand in a month type of messages all the time. And of course that’s much more exciting than what I said. It sounds so much better than my “it takes time and work and you have to be persistent and patient” story. I get that. I totally understand. But nevertheless, I prefer to tell you the bitter truth than the sugar coated lie. I was walking in the city the other day and went to Covent Garden. Usually