Player Vs. Podcast

Player Vs. Podcast 46: The Norman Reedus Fetus



This week it’s an E3 recap! Where’s Josh you say? Who knows! Sarah takes over hosting duties as we go through as much of the news as we can remember. Chris finally has an Oculus Rift to play with and gets to experience VR nausea first hand with EVE: Valkyrie. Alexander gives his rookie opinion on an old favorite, Hearthstone, and Sarah aims to be the mystery solving queen bee of high school in Black Closet. We all struggle our way through wall jumping in the Free Game of the Week, Windowframe. No one is too impressed by X-men Apocalypse, but we do have some podcast recommendations for you! Music: “Booty Swing” and “Clap Your Hands” by Parov Stelar