Go Wellness Radio

Cholesterol Debunked!



Today’s episode features Cade Archibald as he debunks some cholesterol myths! Cholesterol is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. It serves a fundamental purpose and even if your numbers are a little high, there are other factors to consider before you hit the treadmill and stop eating eggs. The worst thing you can do if you have high cholesterol is to suppress it with medication and not look at the root cause of the problem!   Key Takeaways: [1:25] Eating cholesterol doesn’t always mean it will end up creating more cholesterol. [3:15] You need 130-150 grams a day of healthy fats. [3:50] Fat is an excellent energy source. [4:50] What are some good carbs? [6:40] Don’t stress out about your high cholesterol numbers. [7:50] Your brain is made out of fat and cholesterol! [9:10] What foods should you avoid? [12:45] What causes insulin resistance? [15:05] What are some of the benefits of cholesterol? [18:40] What causes high cholesterol levels? [21:00] Cholesterol and blood sugar go hand in hand. Cade provide