One Voice Can Change The World With Tina Bangel

Ep 037 Thriving Singer's Planner - 6 weeks Singing, Moving, Nourishing and Believing



This episode is sponsored by  SG homeloans, Learning Blocks Early Learning centres,  Final song: Our cafe  Happy holidays to you! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas holiday with your loved ones! There are 3 more days until 2020! What a year it has been for me and my family. As some of you know I have recently had a major operation. Unfortunately this year has been difficult health wise. I have had to stop my gigs because I wasn’t fit enough to sing. I had fibroids in my uterus which had to be removed. These are normally non cancerous growth. Luckily mine fell in that category. It was the best Christmas present my family and I received. Because my fibroid was huge it affected my breathing for singing also my iron levels were low. So I had less energy and constantly fatigued. Even climbing the stairs gave me heart palpitations. After 4 hours of surgery three blood transfusions I completed my hysterectomy procedure - they removed my uterus along with the fibroid growth. It was a whopping 10kg and 30cm growth.