Modern Collaboration

How WebRTC is Changing the Game in Contact Centers



Improved interactions with customers and greater internal efficiency has always been the promise of WebRTC and with the standard solidifying and Microsoft and Apple getting on board, businesses are now really starting to take advantage of it.  In this insightful interview with Xander Dumaine, Senior Software Engineer at Interactive Intelligence, we get into the details of where WebRTC is headed, the benefits to businesses and customers and why they have moved quickly to deploy their Contact Center solution as a WebRTC native application.   We discuss market demand for WebRTC, how businesses and customers benefit from WebRTC capabilities and the types of capabilities WebRTC can deliver (no download screen sharing, video collaboration with contact center agents, etc.) that have never been feasible before.  If you are looking to leverage WebRTC to improve internal contact center operations and improve the customer experience, this podcast is a must listen.