Oc Housing Connection

Tax Tips for Home Owners



It's tax season, which means figuring out how to use your home to its maximum tax advantage.  So our experts, Hamid and Fay Hamadanchy, spend this episode of the OC HOUSING CONNECTION discussing tax considerations to home ownership with some tangible tips on how to maximize your home deductions (or at least not overlook the obvious!) What are the different rules for deducting closing costs or the different rules concerning home improvement loans or energy saving programs?  They even talk about different ways to structure your PMII (private mortgage insurance) so it may become deductible or exotic things like deducting your land lease costs (if there are any...something we typically only see in places like Irvine, Monarch Beach and Costa Mesa).  Think of this show as a "tax tuneup"with tips, ideas and information you'll want to review with your CPA or certified tax planner.  Only on Orange County's only community radio station, www.OCTalkRadio.net.