Rosenfeld Media

“Accessibility is the Oil Change” with Sheri Byrne-Haber



Sheri is the author of the upcoming book Giving a Damn about Accessibility, and a speaker at Design at Scale 2021 this June 9-11. In this latest Rosenfeld Review podcast, she discusses the critical importance of starting projects and products with a mindset of accessibility. Spoiler alert: it’s far more difficult to go back later. VMWare, where Sheri is currently an Accessibility Architect, recently launched an Accessibility Champions program, increasing their hires with disabilities and those with interest in specialized training. She and Lou talk through the program and other ways you can scale accessibility—even while acquiring new companies, as Sheri has experienced (more than ten in two years!) Interested in learning more? Check out Sheri’s presentation at DAS2021: Sheri recommends: Haben Girma, the first Deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School Lily Zheng, DEI Consultant She