Orion Books

Mixed/ Other written and read by Natalie Morris



Click here to buy: https://adbl.co/3fvCBVo How does it feel when your heritage isn't listed as an option on an identification form? What is it like to grow up as the only person in your family who looks like you? Where do you belong if you are simultaneously seen as being 'too much' of one race and 'not enough' of another to fit neatly into society's expectations? The mixed population is the fastest-growing group in the U.K. today, but the mainstream conversation around mixedness is stilted, repetitive and often problematic. At a time when ethnically ambiguous models fill our Instagram feeds and our high street shop windows, and when children of interracial relationships are lauded as heralding in the dawn of a post-racial utopia, journalist Natalie Morris takes a deep dive into what it really means to be mixed in Britain today. From blackfishing to the fetishisation of mixed babies; from the complexities of passing and code-switching to navigating the world of work and dating, Natalie explores the way