
Podcast! Dr. Jenn on Great Relationships & Gender Dynamics



Dr. Jenn, also a writer for GetLusty for Couples, is an inspiration to ladies. We met her at CatalystCon, and since have been in a flurry publicizing the amazing things she's doing to save the relationships of couples everywhere. More about on what we talked about * What drew Dr. Jenn to the human sexuality aspect of sociology? A self-proclaimed "good girl" when she was in college, Dr. Jenn joined the Sexual Health Peer Educators to become comfortable with public speaking and her interests in sex, sexual health, and power dynamics in gender evolved from there. * What are girls taught versus what are boys taught growing up, says Dr. Jenn, presents a problematic power dynamic for women as it puts women at a disadvantage with less freedom surrounding sexuality. Society fosters negative and shameful feelings about sexuality, when it should really be open and widely discussed! * What are some of the biggest issues Dr. Jenn's seen for couples? In younger couples, technology and social media becomes a factor in