
Exclusive! Kelly Shibari Talks Feminist Porn & Self-Acceptance



- Born and raised in Japan, Kelly was aware of her weight at a young age. "I was always a bigger wasn't until I came to the states that I realized I wasn't as big as people made me out to be," Kelly says. - Kelly believes working in porn helped improve her self-esteem and body image, and aided in shedding some of the negative thoughts she held as a child about her own body. - Kelly's most recent film, "Kelly Shibari is Overloaded," is a different kind of porn in that is helps break the stereotype that plus-size porn stars are "just a pretty face" who don't do the extreme sex scenes that are generally reserved for more slender women. - What makes "Overloaded" feminist porn for Kelly? Its sense of female empowerment and her being in control of the scenes. "If you're a gentleman, you get the sexiest part of me, if you're a jerk you don't get anything sexy about me," she says of her male fans who took part. - Kelly believes "Overloaded" and similar films allow fans to see that you don't always have to be