Ecommerce Q&a

Eye Strain: Part 1 of 3



Eyebright Drops from Wisdom of the Ages on Amazon seems like a good clean option: Lightpack for ambient lighting: Noelle: Hey everyone. Welcome to e-commerce Q&A. The winter sun is shining brightly outside, it is a gorgeous day. Today we're going to try something a little different, we're going to be doing a mini series on computer vision syndrome. This is the technical term for eye strain and pain linked with the use of computers. I have Michael Barrow with me today and we will be touching on some of the basic first steps to put into place that help in preventing computer eye strain. Welcome Michael, so glad to have you with us. Michael: Thanks Noelle, it's good to be here. Noelle: Awesome, okay to jump right in, and just for our listeners. There are some pretty basic steps nothing to complic