Ecommerce Q&a

Become Clear and Focused with Sherry Walling



Shownotes## Sherry's Personal Website Zenfounder Podcast Mind Space App Email Twitter Transcript Michael: Hello folks, and welcome to another episode of E commerce QA. This is the show where we keep it fast and simple, to dig into the things that e commerce store owners and operators need to hear, need to be thinking about, and today I'm joined by Sherry Walling. Sherry has a PhD and we're going to talk about a topic that, I think, we all can get as much as possible of, which is clarity. Focus and clarity. Sherry thank you so much for joining. Sherry: My pleasure. Thanks for having me on. I'm a PhD in clinical psychology, incase that matters to your listeners, as opposed to history or astrophysics. Michael: It does. I realize as I said that I was like, "oh that wasn't very descriptive". So speaking of being clear about things, Sherry, what brings you