Ecommerce Q&a

CRO and A/B Testing with Nick Disabato



Shownotes: Tell Us About Your Ecommerce Pains Email Nick: Email Us: Do-it Yourself Heat Maps Hire Nick Get Nick's Course Nick's Newsletter Transcripts: Michael: Hey everybody. It's Michael, one of your hosts and welcome to Ecommerce QA. This is the show where store owners, directors of Ecommerce, and Ecommerce managers can stay up to date on the latest and greatest in Ecommerce. Today we are joined, very happily, by Nick Disabato, founder of Draft. Nick, welcome. Nick: Happy to be here. Thank you so much for having me. Michael: Absolutely. Well, this is the second time, a little bit of déjà vu going on, because was it last week? We started ... We actually were recording this episode, and the audio went all crazy, so now we have to outdo ourselves. Nick: Software is terrible. Michael: Yeah, yeah. Who writes the software anyways? So Nick, just in case nobody's heard of you ... Which everyone being on the show, if you haven't heard of Nick, you'll be very happy to hear what he