Ecommerce Q&a

Eye Strain with Dr. Anshel: Part 3 of 3



Show Notes: Our Sponsor As Always Gunnar Computer Glasses Smart Medicine For Your Eyes Ocular Nutrition Handbook Dr. Anshel's Website Transcripts: Creighton: Hello and welcome to the Ecommerce Q&A Podcast. My name is Creighton and I will be your host. Today we're joined by Dr. Anshel, optometrist and fellow of the American Academy of Optometry. He's also the founder and past president of Ocular Nutrition Society, as well as the current president of Corporate Vision Consulting. Dr. Anshel, how are you doing today? Dr. Anshel: Doing great. Thanks for having me. Creighton: Yeah, absolutely. This is the third part of a three part series on eye strain, particularly eye strain caused by computer monitor or active computer monitor usage. Tell us a little bit about yourself. How long have you been working with eye health and in particular eye health around, you know, computer usage? Dr. Anshel: I've been in the industry for 40 years. Graduated optometry school in 1975 in Chicago, and been in San Diego