Ecommerce Q&a

To Replatform or Not To Replatform?



Michael: Hello folks, and welcome to eCommerce Q & A. This is the show where we equip you, as a store owner, director of eCommerce, CTO, CIO, CMO, and many other titles like that at three letters long at an eCommerce company, or multi-channel companies to just kill it. I'm joined today by my colleague, and good friend, Chris [inaudible 00:00:25]. Chris, thank you for joining us. Chris: Hey, Michael. Thank you for having me. It's great to be here. Michael: Absolutely. Chris, can you give us a little background on the topic today, which is going to be around why you should, maybe, consider a re-platform under eCommerce. And also some reasons maybe why you shouldn't. Chris: Yeah. Absolutely. As you know, majority of commerce stores migrate every two to three years, according to Forester. It's important to know, what are those main reasons that can kind of flag and say, maybe we need to look at a new platform. Briefly, these points include legacy systems that don't allow you to scale effectively and efficient