Beyond Burnout - Life Management For Working Moms

How To Tell If You're Getting Close To Burnout



The early signs of burnout look different for each person.  Here are some common signs you may see. 1. Feeling apathetic.  You may think what’s the point?     2. You may not feel as clear in your thinking.  You don’t process things as fast.  You may have word-finding difficulty.  Or you may feel like your thoughts are all over the place.  Sometimes I will see people in my office who have this problem.  They are stressed to the hilt and say they can’t focus.  They tried someone’s Adderall and because it helped them dial back in, they think they have ADD.   If you are stressed you will not be able to focus similar to ADD.  But if you take stimulants because you are overloaded and are having trouble staying on task, the stimulants will help you line up your thought better in the short term, but you will burn out in the long term.  It takes a lot more to recover from full blown burnout than pre-burnout.  So the moral here is if you are in your 30’s and have a high pressure job and are having trouble focusing, fir