Lessons From Unity Cedar Rapids

UnityCR: 4/21/2019 - Rev. Sandra McKinney -Easter Sunday



We welcome Unity Minister Rev. Sandra McKinney. Her topic is "The Truth of Resurrection” Our lives are endlessly full of deaths and rebirths. We fail, we falter, we change – we go into the tomb, certain that life, as we know it, has ended. But at some point, the tomb is opened, and we discover it’s empty. We’re not buried in our grief anymore, not stuck in our losses, unsure of what to do. We somehow, miraculously, have gone on into the next cycle of living, growing, striving, giving…. Easter, far from being a simple celebration with bunnies and chocolate eggs; far from being a tale of rising from the dead meant to be taken literally – Easter is more purely, truthfully and simply one of those powerful events that allow us to stand outside of time. Easter is a lens, a window through which we might glimpse a powerful truth about our lives, and life itself.