Rising Tide: A Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast

Rising Tide: A MCU Podcast - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Sea4 Ep 21 [The Return]



Rising Tide: A MCU Podcast - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D Sea4 Ep 21 [The Return] Come join us as Kaitlyn makes her suuuuper drunken return after having just graduated yay! As Tim, Adam and Jessica talk all about... MODOCK HES FINALLY REAL!? YES! WE FUCKING TOLD YOU SO FOR FIVE YEARS! Oh and Ofilia having a lovers breakdown. *We've all been there* all this and more inside your listening earhole! Remember to leave us a review on Stitcher and iTunes and check us out and follow us through and at: Main Webpage: www.dynamicworksproductions.com Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/RisingTidePodcast Tumbler Page: http://risingtidepodcast.tumblr.com Twitter Handle: @RisingTidePod eMail Address:RisingTidePodcast@icloud.com iTunes Podcast Store Link: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/rising-tide-agents-s.h.i.e.l.d./id718751067 Stitcher Radio Network Link: http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/dynamic-works-production/rising-tide-an-agents-of-shield-podcast Also remember to buy my book “The Citadel: Arrival by Tim K.A. Trotter” availi