Legal Marketing Launch With Bentley Tolk

131: How to Make Your Online Profiles Stand Out - Chris Brown



Chris Brown was once in your shoes. While working as a full-time corporate lawyer, he struggled to find a web marketing company that understood law firms. And while reading a blog post about “repurposed lawyers,” Chris decided to make the entrepreneurial jump he’d been considering for some time — he left his law firm to create b.Legal Marketing. Today, Chris enjoys working with forward-thinking lawyers who want a professional online presence. Together with his team of marketing strategists and developers, he creates and manages law firm websites for small law firms. Rather than leaving the practice entirely, Chris created Venture Legal so he could continue serving a small number of tech startups in Kansas City. Even though he only practices law on a limited basis, he found that all of his marketing efforts continue to pay off as he gets more calls than he can handle (he refers most potential clients to other firms). His law firm website was even named a top ten law firm website in 2014 by Chris