Diy With Mrl

Episode #11 Road Trips and Thrift Shopping



with our special guest Sarah Ramberg from Sadie Seasongoods. I was so happy to finally “meet” Sarah from Sadie Seasongoods. I’ve followed her blog for several years, but had never had a chance to have a conversation with her. I was so excited to talk to her about her recent Thrift Trip to Louisville KY, my hometown! *this post contains affiliate links for your convenience* The hotel gail couldn’t remember the name of is 21C, and perhaps the restaurant was Proof on Main? The way Sarah came up with her blog name Sadie Seasongoods is so sweet, listen to the episode below to hear Sarah talk about it. Sarah talks about using power tools, and her first large tool purchase and how she’s still getting use to it. Sarah asked gail if she still loves blogging, and there was some reminiscing about how My Repurposed Life started, and the first blog gail ever read. The blog that inspired gail to get into blogging was  Joys Of Home. Joy hasn’t blogged in a couple of years, but you will definitely enjoy looking through her