Lancaster Story Slam Podcast

All Grown Up



Welcome to the Lancaster Story Slam podcast!  Our September  Story Slam theme was “All Grown Up.” We heard seven stories from our wonderful storytellers! Our winner by audience vote was Mark Lentz with his tale about finally passing his organic chemistry classes.  Mark’s story won him the prized pint glass and earned him a spot in the Lancaster Story Slam Grand Slam which will take place in November. Congratulations, Mark! Next up is Alex King with his story of getting his butt kicked trying to herd reindeer in Russia. Our final storyteller is Tony Crocamo who shared a story about revisiting the music of his teenage years. And that’s it for our September “All Grown Up” podcast. If you enjoy our podcast, you will probably also enjoy our live virtual events! Our October Story Slam is themed “Unmasked” and will be held at 7 pm on October 27th. Watch the Lancaster Story Slam Facebook page for event registration. Our gratitude to LancLiving Realty, our 2020 sponsor. LancLiving Realty is a local real estate a