Craft Of Charisma

Shift Into Fear - with Kristen Ulmer



Guest Introduction: Kristen Ulmer was recognized as the best female big mountain extreme skier in the world for 12 years. Since retiring as an athlete in 2003, she spent the next 15 years studying intently with a Zen Master. Kristen is now a thought leader, master facilitator, and fear specialist who radically challenges existing norms around this deeply misunderstood emotion. She is the author of the book, “The Art of Fear: Why Conquering Fear Won't Work and What to Do Instead.” Interview Summary: In this interview, Kristen starts by talking about her career as an extreme skier. She explains how repressing fear for many years led to PTSD and started causing problems in her life. She describes fear as the primary emotion beneath many other negative emotions. Kristen then goes into how PTSD manifested in her life, and reveals some of the near death experiences she faced during her skiing career. She also explains how we deal with emotions after trauma determines whether or not we develop PTSD. Next, Kriste