
Episode 05 - Vinyl Envy



Mike Cline, Owner and Matt Andrade, Head of Promotions at Vinyl Envy in Victoria, BC share their thoughts about what are the real reasons behind the current revival in vinyl records. The guys explain why vinyl should never have gone away in the first place and how it was DJ’s who kept it alive in the nineties…by spinning vinyl. They describe why “it’s just the better format” – how the best part of the music industry was always vinyl and why they play album sides all the time. “We never play any one song at a time…records should be played, at least half of it through. You have to get a feel for what the artist is actually trying to get across.” They offer a hilarious take on the state of DJ’ing and which five records they’d pick for a desert island. Mike and Matt live for music - listen to it all day, talk about it constantly, host live bands in-house and offer an incredible amount of profound musical knowledge and insight. The fun of listening to these guys is that it’s like you walked straight into a liv