Podcasting With John Metaxas

21. Michael Flynn’s Turkey Connection and the Implications for U.S. Security and Democracy



As the Michael Flynn legal drama comes to its denouement, the media narrative has focused on his guilty plea to lying about conversations with the Russian ambassador and the Justice Department’s late decision to seek to drop charges against Flynn. But Flynn’s other foreign entanglement, with Turkey, may be even more significant to U.S. security, foreign policy and democracy. In a wide ranging interview, John Metaxas speaks with Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University about Flynn’s admitted lobbying for Turkey, his advocacy for the extradition of a Turkish cleric living under political asylum in the United States, and Turkey’s role as a destabilizing force within NATO. Topics covered: 1:05 Why is the Flynn/Turkey connection so important? 2:20 What does this connection tell us about U.S. democracy? 4:36 Who is Fetullah Gulen? 6:56 Tell us about Gulenist schools opened around the world and in the United States. 9:30 What’s happening to many of those Gulenist