I Want What You're Having

#035: The Power of Course Correcting



What do you do when you decide to create a goal, make the goal, and get on track to reaching the goal? Well, for most of us (including the BOTH of us!), we get derailed and fall off course. Let's just be honest about it, right? :) It's in those moments that we have the choice to either get back on the horse or do one of the most debilitating things to ourselves...telling yourself that you are not worthy of the goal. Often, we choose to become a victim to circumstances or get caught into believing one of the many other powerful messages we choose to say to ourselves, that yes, indeed...we are failures. Unfortunately, most of us choose the destructive messages...We choose to stop looking at the goals we've set forth and course correct. We choose to stop going forward towards what we want. In today's episode, we tackle this exact issue head on, and we share with you how we too have needed to course correct and what we're doing about it. We hope that in this episode, you too can gain insights on what you can do i