Lisa Hendey & Friends

Dominic Albano “The Fundamental Theory of Happiness - Lisa Hendey & Friends #106



On this week's show, author and speaker Dominic Albano offers some tips and insights to help us to find purpose and to achieve one of life's greatest goals based on the work in his new book  About Dominic Albano:  is a Catholic author and speaker. He likes baseball and burritos. He wants people to fall in love with Jesus. He has two books ( and ). About The Fundamental Theory of Happiness: Happiness is not a science. It is an art. There are rules and guidelines that once we learn them and live them lead to a true and lasting happiness. By examining the fundamentally happy role models of our modern age, the lessons learned throughout history, the best research from the most prestigious institutions, and personal life experience, this book gives the reader insight into their own journey with happiness. That insight is combined with practical and actionable steps to begin living a happier life, right now! Visit Dominic Albano at  Check out  and find all of our book and movie suggestions at  For Lisa's speaking s