Embrace Grace

Wired for Freedom with Sarah Elson



We are WIRED FOR FREEDOM and Sarah's story reminds us so clearly how God has placed His spirit inside of us so we can walk in authority and victory! We love overcomer stories and Sarah is one of our favorites! For 13 years Sarah battled self-injury. Labeled as a “good Christian girl,” she still felt worthless, ugly, crazy and alone. One night, she SHARED HER STORY with a young girl and her life was forever CHANGED. This girl shared the same struggle — she WASN'T ALONE! God began to heal and EMPOWER Sarah through her testimony, but it wasn’t enough for her to stop hurting myself. She needed an outlet. Learning to crochet helped her develop patience with herself. Not long after, she discovered using wire as art and embarked on her JOURNEY with Wired for Freedom. Naturally, she used herself as a model for her jewelry creations and soon started receiving custom orders. She began to find VALUE in herself but often thought of quitting. As her gift developed, she went for it, and Wired for Freedom (wf) was created.