Remote Presence

How much is the fish???



Ok, I was drawing a blank on naming this episode.  Sorry for that! In this offering, we discuss a few things: Our somewhat "disjointed" last episode(even though it didn't seem to bother anyone else, it bothered us!) The eternal topic of "Expensive and Survivable" versus "More dudes" Lack of Buzz/Buzz around AP Rifles/Breaker Weapons and BTS. The Renegade Open 2016 ITS Tournament I'm keeping this description fairly bare bones today, because I also have a short After Hours episode to release right after this.   As always, we hope that you enjoy this slightly shorter episode.  We will be trying to get one more in right before the Holidays, but if that does not work out we will be right back with you immediately following New Years in early January! Social: Twitter: @rempresence Facebook: web: Links: Twinfinity: