Love Ya Like Crazy

'A Song Below Water' by Bethany C. Morrow



Hi again all! Welome back to Love YA Like Crazy, where, this episode, we're talking about ... a BOOK??? (It's true!) Specifically, 'A Song Below Water' by Bethany C. Morrow. This episode was recorded on August 20 -- sorry for the delay in getting to you! But this is being released the day before the 2020 US election, and I imagine that a lot of you are kind of stressed, so, for now, just put in your earbuds and think back to that far-off yesteryear of ten and a half weeks ago, when, uh ... Ah, hell, everything still sucked, didn't it? Never mind. But the book has a lot of things to talk about, and we hope you enjoy the discussion! As always, the episode contains a lot of spoilers, so you may wish to read the book first, if you prefer to remain unspoiled. If you have any comments or suggestions, join us on our Goodreads page at, or tweet to us at, or email us at podcast at We'd love to hear from yo