O'connor Law Podcast

Is Your Company Scaring You From Filing an Injury Claim?



If you've ever driven by a large plant, a lot of them will have a big sign out front with a number and it says, "Days without injury." They track it every day. Someone is out there going from day 600 to day 601, and the message that sends to the public and to the workers who drive past that sign every day to come in is that, "Don't get hurt. Stay safe, because this is helping us all." The problem is that tactics like that can cause injured employees to fear filing a claim for a legitimate work injury. For more information about legal topics, you can find us on the web and in social media. http://www.OConnorLaw.com. https://www.facebook.com/mjoclaw https://twitter.com/MJOConnorLaw https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-j-o-connor-07753412 https://plus.google.com/112353157886011361270/posts https://www.youtube.com/user/AttorneyOConnor