Covenant Christian Reformed Church

"A Rule for Life" Pastor Doug Kamstra, Acts 2:41-42, February 16, 2020 AM



A Rule for Life (Discovering God’s Will Together; #11) Acts 2:40-42 “The real issue is not these forces, it’s the ‘meltdown’ of Christian behavior; North American Christians are virtually indistinguishable from the world” (Os Guinness) A. The church is facing a spiritual crisis 1. We need to get serious about our spiritual life! 2. Imagine we’re building or remodeling our spiritual “home” – the only question is “How serious are we about actually moving in...?” B. Deepening our walk with Jesus requires more than intellectual assent 1. We need a conscious, intentional, well thought out action plan 2. We need the discipline to follow it “Athletes, musicians, writers, scientists, and others progress in their fields because they are well-disciplined people. Unfortunately, there is a tendency to think that in matters of faith we should pray, meditate, and engage in other spiritual disciplines only when we feel like it.” (William Paulsell cf. Rules for Prayer) A RULE-DRIVEN LIFE A. How do we arrange our l