Dave Rimington Show

No Huddle Offense



The No Huddle Offense I was fortunate to have had Sam Wyche as my Head Coach in Cincinnati, this guy had a very unique way of looking at problems and some very ingenious solutions to these problems.  Sam to me was a mad scientist that was so far ahead of the curve on innovation in the game of football it was ridiculous.  Where most people would see problems, Sam saw opportunity.  As a player I really enjoyed playing for him, because I learned all the time. He is a teacher and does a wonderful job teaching the nuances of football. Now, don't get me wrong Sam was as nutty as anyone I ever been around.  But I really enjoyed playing for him. Although,  at the time I didn't realize it as much as I have should.  I could tell Sam Wyche stories until I was blue in the face and still have much more to say.  The only thing predictable about Sam was his unpredictability.  As a player you spend a great deal of time trying to figure out your coaches, so you kind of know what to expect.  With Sam you just didn