Dave Rimington Show

Hurricane Katrina Assistance- MP3



Aug 30, 2005 - Thought we may have dodged a bullet after initial reports of lighter than expected damage from Hurricane Katrina. What a difference a day makes, spent most of the day watching the TV seeing people being rescued from rooftops. The City of New Orleans flooding and extensive damage of most of the gulf coast. It seems as help may not arrive until the roads become passable, which may take quite some time. Our fellow countrymen need our help ...so, if you have the ability please join me in helping out by giving to one of many good disaster relief charities. The folks in these areas are really going to need our help. A partial list of Hurricane Katrina and disaster relief information available on the Web: National Hurricane Center National Weather Service Hydrologic Information Center (river flooding) Federal Emergency Management Agency: 1-800-621-FEMA Louisiana Homeland Security City of New Orleans Louisiana Governor's Office Relief Organizations Red Cross 1-800-HELP-NOW Episcopal