Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, And Health

Episode 429 - Q&A with Robb and Nicki #22



And now back with more listener question goodness, it's Episode 429, Q&A #22! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: If you want to see the video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.   Show Notes: 1. In & Out of Ketosis...Harmful? [2:10] Pete says: Robb, I've been on and off a keto diet for the past five years or so and when in Ketosis feel fantastic.  I train muay thai and on days that I train I tend to up my carb intake as I just feel better throughout training, similar to you with jiu jitsu.  On Sundays however I do tend to go off the rails a bit and find myself on Monday down around the 0.2 mmol/L level and then by Tuesday night/Wednesday morning back up any where between 1.0-2.4 mmol/L where I stay for the rest of the week.  I have in the past gone several months at a time on a 30-50g carb per day diet on multiple occasions, haven't done so the past year and half or so. I've been hearing a lot lately tha