Get It Done Business Mum:

Episode 058: Discover the no. 1 mistake Mums make when it comes to setting up a scalable business with Mandi Ellefson



Are you stuck in a business model that means you have to work longer and longer hours to make more money? Or perhaps you are in the early stages of your business but fear that you are not going to be able to cope with the demands on your time as the business grows? (meaning that you end up with LESS time with the kids instead of more, as you had originally planned!)  If you fall into either of these categories then this week's podcast interview with the @handsoffceo Mandi Ellefson could potentially cause a complete turnaround in the way you think about your business and its future direction.  Mandi teaches entrepreneurs with 6 and 7 figure businesses how to scale up and grow without working more hours. In this interview, we talk about how Mums can apply that same knowledge to grow their businesses (and earn more) in a sustainable way that leaves plenty of time for the important stuff, like hanging with your family.  The terms 'scaling' and 'leveraging' are thrown about a lot in the online business space, so w