Vancouver Real

#176: Reconnecting with Your Inner Self, a Holistic Approach to Health with Udo Erasmus



What is the thirst of the heart and how do we find true fulfillment? Local legend Udo Erasmus is our guest on the show today. He’s been in the health industry for years, he created flaxseed oil in the 80s, he’s written multiple books, and he’s the man behind Udo’s Choice supplements. Tune in to learn what it means to be disconnected, how to find connection again, and how to live your longest, healthiest, happiest life. Key takeaways:Connection and disconnection: what does it mean, how does it happen?The reconnection, bringing the awareness back to its source, is a deliberate processUdo tells the story of his search for meaning and his realization that there was something inside him he wasn’t looking atGood and bad fats, an introductionA holistic approach to healthy living, eating, exercise, and