Ko Sales Coach

How To Turn a No into a Yes



6 Out of 10 Say No When you’re in sales you’re going to hear the word “No” and you’re going to hear it a lot more than you hear “yes”.  In fact, if you’re great at sales 6 out of 10 people will turn you down. And to be great in sales you can’t let the no(s) you get, get you down. On today's show discover: ...that there’s a positive side to every no; ...how to know what no means; ...and how curiosity can help you turn No(s) into Yes(s); It's Easier to Say No Most people find it easier to say no then to actually make a decision. For that reason, those of us in sales are used to hearing “no” far more frequently than we hear “yes”. In fact, studies show that the average customer says no about five times before they say yes. Now you could let those “nos” pile up on you and bring you down or you could recognize that every “no” is getting you that much closer to your next yes. Unfortunately, there are a lot of missed sales opportunities because some people feel that no is the final answer. No is not the end of th