Ko Sales Coach

5 Ways a Sales Script Can Make You More Money



Everybody Uses a Script If you’re in sales chances are really good you have a sales script. Even in face to face sales you have a consistent “pitch”, a standard way you greet your customer and a consistent way to answer the phone.  In phone sales the script is even more important, because you have to rely heavily on the words you use to convey value and close.  If you aren’t taking full advantage of your script you’re missing out on a powerful sales tool. Not using it could be costing you money. On today's show discover: ...5 Ways your Sales Script Can Make You More Money this year A lot of business is conducted over the phone so no matter what type of sales you do, knowing how to use a sales script is important.  In fact,here are 5 ways using a sales script can make you more money right now. One: You avoid the pain and time of going through the trial and error process. Your sales script is the culmination of all the mistakes others made before you. That’s a great thing, because you don’t have to go through