

Tom Schwab "As one of the early innovators, Tom took his company from a local player in Kalamazoo, MI to a Global Leader in under 4 years using an Inbound Strategy. His success is featured as THE HubSpot case study for eCommerce." Difference between Content Marketing and Inbound Marketing Content is to attract people. Content is one piece of Inbound Marketing. Inbound Marketing is a system to assist in awareness, consideration, and decision. Tips from Tom People don't want to be interrupted, they want to be helped. The more you learn about a customer, the better you can serve them. Every piece of content should have a purpose. Follow up with detractors and promoters. Ask customers if you fulfilled your promise and made them happy. Stop chasing transactions and start building a brand. Personalization is important. The only experts are the ones voting with their dollars. Tools Mentioned in this Episode Inbound Marketing MailChimp Google Forms SurveyMonkey Infusionsoft ONTRAPORT Find Tom Schwab Online Goodbye