Julian Ho Podcast

Mindshare Costa Rica - March 2021 (First Half, Unedited)



The Mindshare is a 'boutique Ted Talks', a conscious networking event that I originally designed for the Toronto fitness industry 5 years ago, but it spread to various industries through changemakers within them. What makes it special is the curation/facilitation method, the diversity of talent, and our altruistic spirit (we donate all event proceeds to charity). I’ve always dreamed of taking @2.0toronto experiences like the Mindshare, internationally ... with the help of the amazing team at @larukahostel ... the incredibly talented leaders in Puerto Viejo ... and of course divine timing and alignment of the universe, we did just that. The success of the Mindshare represents much more than I can explain with words. This one was truly a gamechanger in my life. You know that feeling when you do something that feels so right on so many levels, when so many other things are unknown and uncertain ... I guess that’s how I’d explain it. With so much love, kindness, compassion, and flow, let us conti