American Mansy Podcast: Relationship Advice For Men | Dating Advice For Men | How Do I Get Over Her

AMP 006 - The Mansy Deep Six: What To Do After A Serious Breakup



In America, it is considered weak for men to talk about grief and loss. Not here. Without getting touchy-feely New-Agey Mansy, we offer sound, logical advice on the six distinct stages a man goes through after a serious breakup or divorce. Many American men are unaware of what the Mansy Deep Six is; they might be in the middle of it right now. And mishandling grief will make you prone to serious mistakes with women in the future. We discuss regaining control over your life; setting attainable goals; when selfishness is a virtue; and how confidence is a fundamental skill that you’re not born with, but something you build over time. The rewards are high, but nothing worthwhile happens overnight. The Mansy Deep Six – there’s always a way out, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel, there’s always a way out of Mansy.