Wellness For Life Radio

7 Steps to Better Anger Management



Anger affects us not only emotionally, but mentally and physically as well.Anger affects us not only emotionally, but mentally and physically as well. Anger triggers the body's fight or flight response, stimulating the adrenals to flood the body with stress hormones. But studies show a barrage of stress chemicals can eventually cause health problems like skin and gut problems, as well as many more.Carol Barkes has an MBA in Conflict Management and Negotiation and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in peak performance psychology with an emphasis in Neuroscience and Conflict Management. Her approach to conflict is brain-based, so her information is fresh, relevant, and highly effective. She joins us to talk about her 7 steps to anger management, including exploring the root of your anger, reframing your thoughts, creating your own CRAP board, and limiting your exposure to negative things that you cannot control.