Dr. Dahan's Daily Wisdom - Motivational Podcast

Tied Hand & Foot



Daily Wisdom  – Motivational Podcast – Day 735 – Inspiration: Above and Beyond We are like people who are bound with ropes. When we wake up, we feel released. We are again, in control of our movements and we can get out of bed; but until that moment, we're tied. In a deeper sense, there are people who are tied hand and foot in a variety of ways. For instance, one may find oneself enmeshed in economic difficulty, or bound by financial obligation. One may find oneself a prisoner of circumstances. There are many ways to be bound up in life. Worse still, a person may be a captive of his own habits and inclination, and so they lose control over their actions. How is that? Why would anybody lose control of their actions and be bound hand and foot in these habits or inclinations? There is a way to release that. Think deeply about those actions. Some are difficult, or at least challenging. An alcoholic or a drug addict, for instance; some of these people have a disease. The symptoms these people have, need medical or