Change Your Story, Change Your Life

213: Fired Up



FIRED UP Today’s episode is an interview with Cody Byrns, a man with a jaw dropping inspiring story about overcoming horrific obstacles and achieving success and happiness. Cody’s story is a journey from hope, through darkness and pain, to growth and enrichment. Today, he is an internationally recognized speaker and #1 best selling author of the book, Scar Release: Breaking Free of yesterday’s Troubles. As you listen, these are some fascinating discoveries you’ll make along the way: The influence of the circus and juggling on Cody’s life The sense of purpose Cody found in ministry school The day Cody’s life went up in flames at age 23 – (the true meaning of fired up) Waking up in a living nightmare three weeks after Cody’s horrific event The powerful test of Cody’s faith The two kinds of scars people must learn to heal How and why Codu learned to own his scars How clown school helped Cody heal The 4 step formula for overcoming any obstacle T